Saturday, May 31, 2008

Essential Oils-A Formula for a Holy Anointing Oil Found in the Bible

God did give Moses a formula for a holy anointing oil shortly after auto insurance companies Israelites began the Exodus trek through the desert. It contained four essential oils known for their healing abilities raid data recovery services an olive oil base. Why do you think God chose these particular oils? What are their healing properties? Read on.

Myrrh 500 shekels

Cinnamon 500 shekels

Cassia 250 shekels

Calamus 250 shekels

Olive oil 1 hin

A shekel is about 12 grams or approximately a half an ounce. A "hin" was about a half a quart (16 ounces). In I Chronicles 9:30, responsibility for mixing and maintaining a supply cheap, reliable website hosting this holy blend went to the priestly caste-the Levites low cost call conferencing were the descendants of Aaron. In Ecclesiasticus 38:4,8, they are referred to as "apothecaries," "pharmacists," or "perfumers" depending on your Bible translation.

"The Lord created medicines out of the earth, and the sensible will not despise them.. the pharmacist makes a mixture from them." Eccles 38, 4,8.

This holy anointing oil was a specific blend for anointing the dwelling, furniture and all those who dwelt in the home. The act of anointing thus rendered the home and its occupants holy which meant they were "set apart for God." In a sense, God put his seal upon the people with this special oil. Many today believe that Moses used this aromatic blend to protect the Israelites from a plague.

What meaning does this have for equity line of credit today? First of all, it is great news. We are being visited by modern day "plagues" such as SARS, MRSA, and many viruses that have actually been around on the earth since Biblical times. Essential oils are a key to protecting ourselves against these deadly diseases. If you study the chemical compounds found in myrrh, cinnamon, cassia, and calamus you find that according to modern science, these oils contain either immune-stimulating or antiviral compounds or both. If that is the case, then no home should be without these medicinal therapeutic grade essential oils.

For more information on the chemistry of these ancient essential oils you may wish to attend an aromatherapy program that emphasizes the chemistry and proper use of therapeutic grade essential oils.

Check this out for more information on learning to heal through the art of aromatherapy as a clinical aromatherapist. ISHAaromatherapyhttp://ISHAaromatherapy You may also wish to read about a program of healing that integrates prayer, hands-on healing and anointing with essential oils. HTSpiritualMinistryhttp://HTSpiritualMinistry

And you can read more about the chemistry of essential oils in my book Healing Oils Healing Hands, Discovering the Power of Prayer, Hands On Healing and Anointing. You can find it on my web site at ISHAhealing/HealingStore/tabid/348/Default.aspxhttp://ISHAhealing/HealingStore/tabid/348/Default.aspx


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