Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Baron Five-Step Action Plan for Building Wealth

No matter where you are starting from, you can begin to turn your life around or dramatically improve your financial situation using THE BARON SOLUTION 5-Step Action Plan for Building Wealth. It is important to learn disciplined strategies of sound money management, investing, interest rate card business administration. The more you learn about these areas, the more confident you will be in selecting advisors, making investments, and handling your business and financial affairs. You can easily move forward on your journey to financial success by taking these five simple actions:

Step One - Pay Down Your Debt. It is extremely difficult to build wealth when you are paying 20-30% interest on credit cards. You should begin consolidating your debts and negotiating with creditors to lower your interest rates when possible. For some, credit counseling, debt management plans, or debt negation plans may donate a car to charity sense, but be careful because there are some unscrupulous services out there. You can use the Resources section of BaronSeries to obtain your free credit report and find the fastest and cheapest way to pay-down your debt.

Step Two - Begin Building a Cash Reserve. Calculate your monthly expenses and strive to stash away at least six-months worth of savings for emergencies and to take advantage of investment opportunities that present themselves. This calls for a lot discipline, but as the old African proverb says Save your money, and one day it will save you. Through the free Resources section of BaronSeries, you will be able to find many of the highest interest rate checking, savings, and money market accounts in the country to help you fight inflation.

Step Three - Develop a Long Term Investment Portfolio. By taking advantage of the power of compounding, you can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions, by the time you retire. Use the free BaronSeries investment calculators to find out how much money you will need to invest in order to reach your financial goals as well as how long your savings will last. Keep in mind, you should never invest money that you cannot afford to lose, or invest in things you do not understand or feel totally comfortable with.

Step Four - Create a Cash Flow Portfolio. It is important to learn to generate income from your investments rather than your physical labor. This will enable you become financially free long before retirement. Rental real estate, business and insurance income streams, and royalties from intellectual property such books, music, inventions, etc., are great way to go. Mastering these areas may take quite a bit of work up front, but are well worth it on the back-end. When it comes to cash flow strategies, think outside of the box. If a particular strategy wont work in your area, than think cash from structured settlement or internationally and establish local partnerships.

Step Five - Start Your Own Business. It has become essential for individuals to not only diversify their investments, but also their sources of income. Since wages increase at about 3.4% and expenses rise at a much faster pace, the average person today is working harder and getting poorer. Every person has a great untapped business idea that can generate millions of dollars if properly executed. You just need to leverage THE BARON SOLUTION Four Keys for Building a Successful Business: a proven business model, experienced management, access to Free Domain With $6.95 Hosting Package and strategic partnerships.

Remember, becoming wealthy is not difficult; it just takes time and focus. Unfortunately, most people do not focus on becoming wealthy, until they do not have much time. Know that you can always change the condition of your life financially; you just have to be willing to think differently, more creatively, and strategically.

William R. Patterson is Chairman & CEO of The Warcoffer Capital Group, LLC, a financial holding company. He is an award-winning lecturer, national best-selling author, and consultant who uses his trademark approach, THE BARON SOLUTION, to coach, train, and motivate business leaders, sales professionals, entrepreneurs, and investors. His breakthrough book, The Baron Son, has been translated around the world and featured in the Forbes Book Club. William is the business and financial expert on XM Satellite Radio 169 - The Power. He has been a featured guest on over 250 television and radio programs and does a weekly syndicated business and financial radio segment called "THE BARON SOLUTION Minute." William's website, The Baron Series, is ranked as one of the Top 10 Business Viagra Canada Speaker websites by Ranking. For more information on THE BARON SOLUTION Strategies for Wealth and Business Success, visit baronserieshttp://baronseries.


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General Counsel
The Baron Series

May 28, 2008 at 8:05 PM


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